Author: Brant Stogner

Picture of Brant Stogner

Debunking Myths of Pre-existing Conditions in Personal Injury Cases

When it comes to personal injury claims, the topic of pre-existing conditions is often surrounded by misconceptions and myths. Many people mistakenly believe that having a pre-existing condition automatically disqualifies them from receiving compensation for injuries sustained in an accident. However, the truth is far more nuanced and favors the injured party more than commonly…

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Picture of Brant Stogner

Understanding Premises Liability: Your Guide to Responsibilities and Rights

Premises liability is a legal concept that holds property owners and occupiers responsible for accidents and injuries that occur on their property. Whether it’s a slip and fall in a grocery store or a dog bite at a neighbor’s house, premises liability laws dictate who is responsible for compensating injured individuals. Understanding this concept is…

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Picture of Brant Stogner


In the realm of personal injury law, where complexities abound and justice hangs in the balance, expert witnesses stand as pillars of truth and clarity. Their pivotal role in elucidating technicalities, validating claims, and shaping legal narratives cannot be overstated. As indispensable allies to attorneys and invaluable resources to the courts, expert witnesses play a…

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Picture of Brant Stogner

Steps to Take After an Accident Until You Retain a Personal Injury Attorney

Accidents can happen at any time, leaving you shaken, injured, and uncertain about the next steps. If you’ve been involved in an accident, your physical and emotional well-being should be your top priority. However, there are important steps to take before you even think about retaining a personal injury attorney. Retaining a personal injury attorney…

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Picture of Brant Stogner

Understanding The Burden Of Proof In Civil Lawsuits: Preponderance Of The Evidence Vs. Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

In the realm of legal proceedings, the burden of proof is a crucial concept that distinguishes civil lawsuits from criminal cases. In a civil lawsuit, the plaintiff bears the responsibility of proving their case, and the standard of proof is known as the “preponderance of the evidence.” This standard differs significantly from the “beyond a…

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Picture of Brant Stogner

When To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

Accidents happen, and when they do, they can lead to significant physical, emotional, and financial consequences. Whether you’ve been involved in a car crash, a slip and fall incident, a workplace injury, or any other accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you may wonder whether you need to hire a personal injury attorney. While not…

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Picture of Brant Stogner


Bars and other establishments that serve alcohol play a vital role in our social lives, providing spaces for relaxation and enjoyment. However, with great pleasure comes great responsibility, and it is essential for these establishments to ensure the safety of their patrons, even when they have had a bit too much to drink. Overserving customers…

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Picture of Brant Stogner

Unraveling The Complexities Of Plaintiff Personal Injury Law

Personal injury cases are a critical aspect of the legal landscape, aiming to provide justice and compensation to individuals who have suffered harm due to the negligence or wrongdoing of others. Plaintiff personal injury law encompasses a wide array of scenarios, from slip-and-fall accidents to medical malpractice, each presenting unique challenges and considerations. One of…

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