Bars and other establishments that serve alcohol play a vital role in our social lives, providing spaces for relaxation and enjoyment. However, with great pleasure comes great responsibility, and it is essential for these establishments to ensure the safety of their patrons, even when they have had a bit too much to drink. Overserving customers is not just a risk to their well-being, but it can also lead to devastating consequences that may result in the bar facing serious legal repercussions, especially when fatal car crashes occur as a result.

The concept of overserving is simple: it’s the act of serving alcohol to a customer who is already intoxicated. This practice can lead to impaired judgment, coordination, and a host of other issues that significantly increase the risk of accidents, including fatal car crashes. When bars fail to recognize the signs of intoxication or continue serving patrons beyond their limits, they can be held legally responsible for the outcomes.

Laws and regulations vary by jurisdiction, but many places have strict liability laws in place to hold bars accountable for over-serving. When overserved customers get behind the wheel and cause accidents resulting in injury or death, victims and their families can sue the bar for damages. These lawsuits typically argue that the establishment was negligent in serving an obviously intoxicated individual.

To mitigate these risks, bars can implement responsible alcohol service practices, such as training staff to identify signs of intoxication, offering alternative transportation options, and responsibly managing the alcohol intake of patrons. It is in the best interest of both patrons and establishments to ensure the responsible service of alcohol, as no one wants a night of fun to end in tragedy and a courtroom battle.

If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident, contact an attorney at Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner by calling 713-222-7211 or toll free at 1-800-870-9584. Abraham Watkins offers a free consultation to anyone wishing to pursue a claim for such injuries or fatalities.