Cell Phone Can Catch Fire or Explode

Recently, Samsung has been facing difficulties with its newly released Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones. The phone’s battery is prone to overheating, which can result in the phone catching fire or even exploding. To help cure the problem, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a recall of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones on September 17, 2016 after the company issued a voluntary recall on September 2, 2016.

To try to remedy the problems surrounding the Galaxy Note 7’s, Samsung offered an exchange program that allowed consumers to trade in the affected Galaxy Note 7 for a new one. The company stated that the new phones were safe for use, which seemed to be true until Wednesday, October 5th.

Brian Green was on Southwest Airlines flight 994 from Louisville to Baltimore on Wednesday morning. On that flight, Mr. Green had his replacement Galaxy Note 7, the same phone that Samsung claimed to be safe for use. As is common with flying, Mr. Green powered off his phone for takeoff and placed the Note 7 in his pocket. Soon after, Mr. Green noticed smoke coming from his pocket. Fortunately for Mr. Green, he was able to get the phone out of his pocket before it went up in flames or before it exploded. The plane had to be evacuated.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has reported 26 incidents where people were burned and 55 incidents where people had property damaged as a result of the Galaxy Note 7’s battery either catching fire or exploding, one resulting in a car being completely burned after a Note 7 caught fire inside the car.

It seems as though Samsung still has work to do to remedy this dangerous situation surrounding the Galaxy Note 7s. This phone is prone to catch fire at any time, including times when someone may not be able to respond such as when someone is driving, sleeping, or on a flight.

If you or someone you know has been injured by a Samsung Galaxy Note 7, or by any other type of defective product, financial recovery may be available. Contact the experienced attorneys at Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner today for a free consultation by calling (713) 222-7211 or 713-222-7211.