Apartment Complex Fire, Fire Safety System Failure Alleged in Wrongful Death Lawsuit

The surviving son of Texas deceased man, Augustin Suchil, has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against an apartment complex and the management company for the apartment complex. In April of 2019, the apartment complex caught fire during a lightning storm. Suchil was asleep when the fire began at the apartment complex, and smoke eventually consumed the apartment units and hallways. Firefighters bravely put the fire out and rescued Suchil, but unfortunately, Suchil later died of his injuries.

The lawsuit alleges that, after investigating the incident, the Suchil family discovered there were systemic fire safety issues with the apartment complex. One issue includes the apartment complex management having knowledge of outdated fire alarms and smoke detectors throughout the complex. There is allegedly evidence that the smoke detectors and fire alarms were not working properly as they were not well maintained and very old.

The Suchil family says that not only did management for the apartment complex know about the inadequate fire safety system in place, but that it also failed to disclose or correct the safety devices inside Sochil’s apartment unit.

The Suchil family is not the first to lose a loved one due to an apartment complex safety system failure. Poor management can create dangerous situations for tenants and even apartment complex employees. Fire safety is a fundamental responsibility of apartment complex owners, managers, and employees. This not only includes having functioning safety devices, but also a plan in place for each tenant’s safe evacuation of the building in the event of a fire emergency.

If you or someone you know has been injured or killed in an apartment complex fire, please do not hesitate to see if you or your family has a potential claim and contact an attorney at Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner by calling (713) 222-7211 or toll free at 713-222-7211.