Pool Safety Is Not Just the Responsibility of Houston Health Inspectors 

Pool Safety Is Not Just the Responsibility of Houston Health Inspectors 

The tragic death of an eight-year-old girl who was found dead in a pool at a local Doubletree by Hilton property last month has raised several key questions about the pool inspection process in Houston. A recent article in the Houston Chronicle outlines some of the responsibilities of the Houston health department, but it clearly shows that much more needs to be done to keep children safe. 

According to the report the Houston Health Department filed, the hotel owners had failed to have the pool re-inspected after remodeling last year.

It must be noted that the health department is not tasked with inspecting private residential pools. Although inspections of public pools, parks, and hotel pools, as examples, are part of the health department inspections, those inspections do not relieve the owners and managers of such pools of the duty to keep the property safe for all users. 

If Houstonians are concerned about a pool’s safety, they can call the health department directly with any complaints.

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