Addressing the Dangerous Reality: Texas Road Construction Worker Fatalities

Texas boasts vast highways and extensive road networks, vital for its bustling economy and growing population. However, behind Texas’ infrastructure expansion lies a sobering reality: its road construction workers face the highest fatality rate in the nation. This troubling statistic raises urgent concerns about contractor accountability for accidents in the state.

Over a span of seven years ending in 2020, Texas witnessed a staggering 143 deaths at road construction sites. These numbers paint a grim picture of the dangers these workers confront daily in their line of duty. The frequency of fatalities in Texas far exceeds national averages, prompting a critical examination of safety protocols and worker protections in the state.

In the past 50 years concerted efforts have been made to improve working conditions and enhance worker protections across various industries. However, despite significant strides, progress in ensuring the safety and well-being of road construction workers faces formidable challenges. Accountability is paramount in ensuring the safety of road construction workers. Contractors and employers must uphold rigorous safety standards, provide comprehensive training, and implement effective measures to mitigate risks on construction sites. Additionally, thorough investigations into accidents are essential to identify root causes and prevent future incidents.

The alarming rate of fatalities among Texas road construction workers is a stark reminder of the urgent need to prioritize worker safety and hold accountable those responsible for ensuring it. As the state continues to undergo rapid infrastructure development, it is imperative that the well-being of workers remains at the forefront of these endeavors, so that each construction worker is able to return home safely at the end of each day.

If you or someone you love has suffered injuries or the loss of a family member due to a construction site injury or fatality, call the law firm of Abraham Watkins today. We have successfully represented many injured individuals and families who have lost loved ones due to the negligent and careless acts of their employers and third parties. Call us today at 713-222-7211 or 1-800-870-9584 for your free in person or virtual consultation.