Emergency Action Plans and Fire Safety and Prevention

An emergency action plan (“EAP”) is a documented procedure detailing how to respond effectively and swiftly in case of an emergency. This plan typically includes procedures for evacuation, communication protocols, roles and responsibilities, assembly point information, and steps to shut down critical operations if necessary. It’s designed to minimize harm to individuals and damage to properties during unplanned events such as fires, natural disasters, or other crises.

As for Texas law and the requirements for landlords to provide EAPs, legislation can vary by jurisdiction and the type of building in question. Generally, the International Fire Code (“IFC”, adopted by most municipalities and locales, requires that certain occupancy types, such as residential high-rise buildings, have an EAP in place.

Specifically, Texas does not impose state-wide mandate for all landlords to provide EAPs to their tenants for fire emergencies. However, requirements might be placed at the local or city level, and certain types of buildings are subject to stricter regulations. High-rise buildings that have specific occupancy classifications or are commercial rather than residential might be subject to more stringent rules. These rules are typically codified in local ordinances, which typically adopt IFC regulations.

Regarding training, building owners or those assuming management of the building on the owner’s behalf (e.g., a management company) might be required to conduct fire drills and other emergency procedures on a regular basis to ensure that occupants are familiar with the evacuation routes and protocols. This would include residential properties that fall under certain criteria.

Landlords are typically required to install and maintain smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors according to Texas law and most municipal ordinances. For example, Texas Property Code § 92.261 requires that rental properties have a certain number of smoke alarms based on the property’s configuration.

If you or someone you know has been injured by the negligence of another, please contact an attorney at Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner by calling 713-222-7211 or 1-800-870-9584 for a free legal consultation.