What Kind of Compensation Can You Get From Chemical Plant Injury Lawsuits?

When you suffer a chemical plant injury, the law provides for several forms of compensation. This support is designed to address the various ways a workplace injury can impact your life—physically, emotionally, and financially. Your Houston, TX attorneys will help you figure out which of the following types of compensation may be applicable in your specific case.

What Kind of Compensation Can You Get From Chemical Plant Injury Lawsuits?

Medical Expenses

First and foremost, compensation typically covers medical expenses. This includes emergency treatment immediately following the accident, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and any specialized medical equipment you may need. It’s not just about the bills you’ve already received; it’s also about future medical costs. If your injury requires ongoing physical therapy or long-term care, those expenses should also be factored into your compensation.

Lost Wages and Earning Capacity

An injury can keep you out of work for an extended period, leading to lost wages. Compensation aims to recover these lost earnings. If your injury results in a disability that affects your ability to work in the future, you may also be entitled to damages for lost earning capacity. Figuring all this requires taking into consideration your age, career trajectory, and how your ability to earn a living has been altered by the injury.

Pain and Suffering

Beyond the tangible costs of medical bills and lost wages, you may experience significant pain and discomfort. Compensation for pain and suffering accounts for the physical and emotional distress caused by the injury. This is more subjective and can vary greatly from case to case. It’s important to document how the injury has impacted your daily life and well-being to support this aspect of your claim.

Punitive Damages

In cases where the injury resulted from particularly reckless or malicious actions on the part of the chemical plant or its employees, you may be awarded punitive damages. These are not tied to any specific loss you’ve suffered but are intended to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar conduct in the future.

Wrongful Death

If an injury at a chemical plant results in death, the surviving family members may file a wrongful death claim. This can provide compensation for the loss of financial support the deceased would have contributed to the family, as well as non-economic damages like loss of companionship and emotional distress.

Compensation Claims in Texas

Texas law governs how compensation claims are made and what they can include. Understanding this framework is crucial for anyone seeking to recover damages following a chemical plant injury.

Workers’ Compensation vs. Personal Injury Claims

In Texas, workers’ compensation laws typically prevent you from suing your employer directly if they provide workers’ compensation insurance. However, these benefits may not fully cover all of your losses, especially non-economic damages like pain and suffering. If your employer does not have workers’ comp, you will likely be able to sue.

If your injury was caused by a third party’s negligence, in other words, someone other than your employer is at fault, you may have the right to file a personal injury claim against that party. This could be the manufacturer of faulty equipment or a contractor who failed to maintain a safe work environment.

Proving Negligence in Texas

To succeed in a personal injury lawsuit, you must prove that the third party was negligent. This involves establishing that they owed you a duty of care, breached that duty, and caused your injury as a result.

Statute of Limitations

Texas imposes a statute of limitations on injury claims, which means you have a limited time to file a lawsuit after an injury occurs. For most personal injury claims in Texas, this period is two years from the date of the injury. Missing this deadline can bar you from receiving any compensation.

Comparative Negligence

Texas follows a “modified comparative negligence” rule. If you are found to be partially at fault for your injury, your compensation may be reduced by a percentage equal to your share of fault. If you are more than 50% responsible, you cannot recover any compensation.

Building a Compensation Claim

Documenting Your Injury and Its Impact

Detailed medical records are the bedrock of any claim for compensation. They should include everything from initial injury reports to long-term prognoses. Additionally, maintaining a journal documenting your pain levels, mental health, and the ways in which the injury has impacted your daily life can provide powerful evidence for non-economic damages.

Calculating Economic Losses

Calculating economic losses goes beyond tallying up medical bills and lost wages. It also includes estimating future expenses and losses. An economist or financial expert can help project these figures based on a variety of factors, including inflation, projected career growth, and life expectancy, and your lawyer may bring in these types of experts in a workplace injury case to help establish the full extent of your losses.

Non-Economic Damages

Quantifying non-economic damages like pain and suffering can be challenging. These damages are subjective and require you to communicate the severity of your pain and the extent of your emotional distress effectively. Testimony from mental health professionals, as well as friends and family, can bolster these claims.

Expert Witnesses

Expert witnesses can lend credibility to your claim by providing professional opinions on the cause of the accident, the extent of your injuries, and the impact on your future. Medical experts can testify to the nature of your injuries and the necessity for ongoing treatment. Safety experts might analyze workplace conditions and regulatory compliance at the chemical plant to establish negligence or recklessness. A good Houston, TX attorney who specializes in chemical plant injuries and other workplace injury lawsuits will have a network of such experts to turn to.

Vocational Rehabilitation Experts

If your injury impacts your ability to perform your job, vocational rehabilitation experts can assess the extent of your impairment and the prospects for your return to work. They can offer detailed reports on your employment options whether you will need to retrain or get education to enter a different field.

Strategies for Maximizing Your Compensation

Gathering Comprehensive Evidence

A successful compensation claim is supported by a wealth of evidence: everything from accident reports and witness statements to surveillance footage and safety audits. The more evidence you can compile, the stronger your case will be.

Engaging with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are often involved after a work injury, especially when workers’ compensation or liability policies are in play. It’s critical to handle communications with insurers carefully, as they often aim to minimize payouts. An attorney can negotiate with insurers on your behalf to ensure all settlement offers are fair.

Negotiating Settlements

Most compensation claims are resolved through settlements. Negotiating a settlement is an art that requires a clear understanding of the worth of your claim and the ability to argue effectively for a fair compensation package. Legal representation is invaluable during this phase to ensure that you do not settle for less than you deserve.

Preparing for Trial

If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your case may go to trial. Trial preparation involves organizing your evidence, crafting a compelling narrative, preparing witnesses, and planning for the cross-examination of the defense’s witnesses. A trial also requires a deep understanding of courtroom procedures and the rules of evidence.

Having an experienced personal injury attorney is crucial throughout the claims process. An attorney can provide guidance on the legal aspects, help gather and analyze evidence, consult with experts, handle negotiations, and represent you in court if necessary.

Considerations for Special Cases

There are unique considerations for certain types of injuries or circumstances. For instance, if your injury involved exposure to a toxic substance with long-term health effects, such as asbestos, the compensation process can be significantly more complex. In such cases, it’s important to work with an attorney who has specialized knowledge in toxic torts.

Work With Experienced Houston, TX Workplace Injury Attorneys

 Our team has the expertise and dedication to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the full compensation you deserve. Contact Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner today for a consultation and take the first step towards safeguarding your future after an injury.