Firework Accidents on the Rise

Independence Day is an annual time for celebration with family and friends. Fourth of July gatherings are often punctuated by watching a firework show. Oftentimes these festivities include an amateur firework display. Unfortunately, firework accidents at this time of year are exceedingly common, and these accidents can have tragic consequences.

Just last year in San Antonio, Texas a 43-year old man died while lighting 4th of July fireworks. Authorities believe the man was attempting to light a mortar-style firework off his head when the firework malfunctioned and exploded from the bottom end of the tube.

Last month, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued its Fireworks Annual Report detailing fireworks-related deaths and injuries during calendar year 2022. The report found 11 fireworks-related deaths in 2022, with three deaths resulting from a malfunction or misfire. Last year fireworks were involved in an estimated 10,200 injuries treated in U.S. hospital ER departments. The CPSC report also noted a statistically significant trend in fireworks-related injuries from 2007-2022, estimating an increase of 535 firework injuries per year.

The CPSC investigations showed that a majority of firework injuries were associated with misuse or malfunction of fireworks. As this report makes clear, defective fireworks pose a significant danger to members of the public.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a firework malfunction or defect, you may be able to hold the manufacturer liable for damages in a products liability lawsuit. The attorneys at Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner have the experience and expertise to aggressively pursue product defect claims on your behalf should the need ever arise. Contact an attorney at our firm for a free evaluation by calling 713-222-7211 or toll-free at 1-800-870-9584.