FDA Recalls Eye Drops Causing Severe Infections and Even Death

Figure 1 – Recalled Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops distributed by EzriCare and Delsam Pharma. Photo credit – www.CNN.com

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the recall of a number of over the counter eye drops after reports of serious eye infections, vision loss, surgical eye removals, and at least three deaths. Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops distributed by EzriCare, LLC, and DELSAM Pharma, Opthamlic Solutions by Apotex Corp., and Purely Soothing MSM Drops by Pharmedica USA have all been recalled due to potential bacteria contaminations causing the resulting severe infections.

Until recently, the exact causes of the suspected bacterial contaminations have remained unknown. However, recent investigations by the FDA reported extensive sterilization failures in at least one of the manufacturer’s facilities in India. It is reported that the facility investigated did not follow proper protocols to prevent contamination of its eye drop products before being shipped to the US for consumers, specifically those manufactured between December 2020 and April 2022. The bacteria believed to be the culprit is a rare drug-resistant strain that can spread even among people who don’t have symptoms and even to people who haven’t used the drops.

Consumers have been advised to stop using these products immediately. Common symptoms of infections caused by these contaminated products could include blurry vision, discharge, pain or discomfort, redness of the eyelid or eye, and increased sensitivity to light. Using these contaminated artificial tears could result in blindness, serious illness, eye removal, or even death in the most severe cases.

If you or a loved one have been injured or killed by use of one of these products, please contact an attorney at Abraham Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner by calling 713-222-7211 or toll free at 1‑800-870-9584.