Steps to Take After Being in a Motor Vehicle Collision

Most people consider themselves good drivers and nobody ever thinks they’re going to be involved in a car crash. But unfortunately, motor vehicle collisions are a part of life, and they happen even when you’re not in the wrong. In Texas alone, 1 crash occurred every 1 minute and 7 seconds in 2020 according to statistics issued by the Texas Department of Transportation.

With that being said, it’s helpful to know some important steps you can take immediately after being involved in a collision. Make sure to keep the following in mind:

1.            Ensure nobody in your vehicle is in need of immediate medical care.

2.            If able to move your vehicle, make sure you move it out of the street and into a safe location.

3.            Call the police. Minor traffic collisions often hinge on a dispute about who is at fault. Having a police officer come to the scene to generate a crash report is a surefire way to eliminate any “he said she said” issue when it gets to insurance (which takes us to our fourth point).

4.            Ask the other driver for their name and insurance information. Preferably take pictures of their driver’s license, license plate, and insurance documentation as well (although this would be included in the crash report if a police officer does come in time).

5.            Take pictures of your vehicle, the other vehicle involved in the incident, the general scene of the incident, and anything that may be helpful later as memories fade. Also, be sure to make note of the address where the collision occurred or any nearby cross streets.

6.            Be respectful to the other driver, but not overly friendly. Do not give a statement to the other driver or apologize for the Incident in an effort of being polite.

7.            Contact an attorney.

If you or someone you know has been injured as the result of a motor vehicle collision, it is important to understand your right to recover. Our attorneys at Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner have the knowledge, experience, and resources necessary to obtain just compensation for their clients. Call us today at 713-222-7211 or 1-800-870-9584 for your free consultation.