Mexican American Bar Association Meeting Creates ANIMO-ENERGY

On September 27, 2008, [email protected] and I represented Abraham, Watkins at the annual meeting for the Mexican American Bar Association of Texas (MABA) in San Antonio, [email protected] is a past president. This meeting provided its members with excellent CLE courses, including a Texas Supreme Court update from Supreme Court Justice David Medina and riveting speeches from LTG. Ricardo S. Sanchez and Roman Hernandez. Lieutenant General Sanchez recently retired from the Army after serving in Iraq. Mr. Hernandez is the president-elect of the Hispanic National Bar Association.

I was fortunate enough to speak with various members, including Pat Alvarez (President of MABA), Justice Gina Benavides (past president and Justice on the 13th Court of Appeals), and Gloria Leal (Executive Director), and learned how and why this organization was created-to speak out and take a stance on Hispanic issues, including education, career development for members, candidate endorsements, etc. But the one the thing I will not forget, MABA is a reflection of its members. Dedication, motivation, energy and selflessness are all traits of those who have come before to help found and make MABA today.

The current members continue to put in their time for MABA, and now it is time for the younger generation, including myself, to step up and continue the tradition. However, this action does not only apply to MABA but it applies to every other organization-so you, yes you, stand up, be heard and take action, especially in today’s world. Take a step, no matter how small because any step is progress.