Know The Risks: Top Four Construction Site Hazards


Construction workers face dangers on the job every day. While many work activities can prove dangerous, four have risen to the top in terms of workplace injuries and deaths.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the top four construction hazards are:

  • Falls: Falling accidents can be prevented by habitual use of safety gear, proper construction of scaffolds and other safety measures.
  • Workers getting struck by vehicles: Drivers often fail to see workers – even when wearing high visibility clothing.
  • Trench accidents: Companies often send workers in unprotected and under-protected trenches that are five feet or deeper. Trenches should be secured by sloping, shoring, benching or other safety measures.
  • Electrical accidents: Electrical shocks and burns can be prevented by identifying utilities before work starts, using ground-fault circuit interrupters, keeping a safe distance between workers and power lines, and other precautions.

As common as these accidents are, site owners, equipment manufacturers and other parties should be especially diligent in preventing accidents. All too often, however, they overlook safety precautions and put workers at risk. If you or someone close to you has been injured in a construction accident caused by negligence, you have the right to pursue compensation for your losses.

Injured construction workers may be eligible for compensation besides just workers’ compensation benefits. When a negligent third party is partially or fully responsible for an accident on a construction site, the worker may be able to file a third-party liability claim.

A trusted work injury law firm can help you pursue compensation under personal injury law. To discuss your options in a free consultation with an attorney, contact Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner at (713) 222-7211.