Why Driving With A Hangover Isn’t A Safe Option


Most people are aware of the dangers of drunk driving. Because of the known dangers, most responsible people will make an effort to avoid driving after having several drinks.

When a designated driver is unavailable, these individuals may choose to stay at a friend’s house or take an Uber ride home-only to return the next day to pick up their vehicle and drive it home.

Although the scenario may seem like a safe, responsible alternative, it presents a multitude of additional hazards. Research shows that driving with a hangover is as dangerous as driving after having consumed a few drinks.

Why is driving with a hangover dangerous?

First, after consuming a large amount of alcohol, the driver will likely still have alcohol in his or her system from the night before.

The human body takes between 75 to 90 minutes or longer to eliminate the alcohol contained in one drink. Several factors affect the amount of time it may take the body to eliminate alcohol including alcohol concentration of particular beverages and absorption rate affected by the amount of food in the stomach. Such factors may cause alcohol to linger in the body for a longer period of time than anticipated.

Second, the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover can negatively affect a person’s ability to drive. Hangover symptoms that can make driving difficult and dangerous include: a pounding headache, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, and dizziness, among others.

A hangover not only presents various dangers for would be drivers-it can be life threatening. In fact, it is possible to die from the effects of a hangover. Some of the more serious reactions to a hungover include respiratory or circulatory failure or aspiration of gastric contents-any of which may lead to death.

There are various alternatives available to drivers in order to avoid the potential dangers of driving with a hangover. Safer options include:

  • Plan and prepare ahead-make transportation plans before going out;
  • Designate a sober driver;
  • Call a cab or a ride share vehicle;
  • Take public transportation;
  • Wait-a hangover can last up to a day or longer-wait it out or have someone else pick up your vehicle.

When a drunk or hungover driver causes an accident that injures others, the victims may have legal options. Call (713) 222-7211 to schedule a free consultation with an attorney from Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner.