How To Talk To Your Teen About Texting While Driving


Texting while driving is extremely dangerous, and most people know that. Yet distracted driving remains a huge problem.

Teen drivers-the most inexperienced drivers on the road-have been found to be the age group most likely to be distracted at the time of a fatal traffic accident. 

Texting while driving is much more common than drinking and driving in teenagers. Yet texting while driving is actually more dangerous than drunk driving.

What can parents to do keep their teen drivers safe from the dangers of texting while driving? It all can start with a conversation. Here are some tips to help you get started:

· Set expectations: Have an open and honest discussion with your child about the dangers of texting while driving. Since the only safe approach is a zero-tolerance approach, let your child know that this is what you expect from him or her. Tools such as Do Not Disturb While Driving on an iPhone can make it easier to refrain from distracted driving.

· Lead by example: If you expect your child to refrain from texting while driving-yet you engage in it yourself-you are not setting a good example. Parents and other drivers in the family should refrain from all forms of distracted driving.

· Talk about peer pressure: When driving or riding with other teens, your child may feel pressure to engage in risky driving behavior that may include texting while driving. Encourage your child to set a good example among peers by refraining from distracted driving-and passing that message along to friends.

Your conversation may be met with eye-rolls or open ears. In either case, you’ve started the conversation about driver safety and the importance of refraining from texting while driving.

#TxtFreeTexas Scholarship Program

The law firm of Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner is sponsoring its 6th annual Text Free Texas Scholarship Contest. High school students from the Houston area who pledge to not text and drive are encouraged to apply.

For more information about the scholarship, contact Madison Kauffman by calling (713) 222-7211 or visit