Avoidable Trauma Deaths

Studies on trauma incidents, such as car accident and gunshot injuries, all across the United States have shown that where people live might influence their rate of survival. With 148,000 people dying in the year 2014 and costing an estimated 167 billion dollars in medical expenses and lost productivity, the study revealed that 1 in 5 people may die unnecessarily based on a few factors. The study also showed that half of deaths occur at the scene of the injury or en route to the hospital, speaking on how important it was that bystanders begin the ‘chain of survival.’ Hemorrhages, in particular, are the leading cause of preventable deaths.

Roughly two thirds of Americans have access to a Level 1 or 2 trauma center within an hour. Due to this, another third simply do not have the time to make it there and are transported to facilities without adequate staff or equipment. Hospitals that cannot handle such injuries reflect on survival rates, with a person having about 25 percent higher chance of dying. With optimal care settings in place, an estimated 20% of deaths can be prevented. This means about 80 deaths can be prevented every single day.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has guidelines for determining what care a patient needs, but only about 16 states have implemented or partially implemented them since 2011.

If you or someone you know has been injured by another’s negligence, contact the experienced attorneys at Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner by calling (713) 222-7211 or toll free at 713-222-7211.