Fracking Death – Fighting for the Family Left Behind

In this business we often see families torn apart and loved ones lost due to worksite neglect. A disregard for safety can often cost someone their life, as was the case with Raul Segura, Jr. Chelsie King Garza and I had the honor of representing the Segura family and brining justice to the wife, children, and family this young man left behind.

On February 28, 2013, Raul Segura, Jr. was working at the Fojtik 1-H well near Moulton, Texas. Penn Virginia Oil & Gas, LP served as the operator of the well with Planning Thru Completion, LLC acting as its company man. Mr. Segura was employed as a line boss in training for C&J Energy Services at the time of his death.

A crane operated by Alamo Crane Services, Inc. was holding up a lubricator tool (a steel pipe) vertically a number of feet in the air and a wireline truck operated by Ark-La-Tex Wireline Services was pulling a perforating gun (45′ steel pipe) into it. During this process the wireline failed, and the perforating gun was released falling on to Segura. Raul Segura, Jr. died as a result of injuries sustained from being struck by the steel pipe perforating gun.

The engineer in control of the wireline was inexperienced, and there was eye witness testimony that he was pulling the perforating gun at a rapid pace. Additionally, the parties in control of this wireline operation failed to ensure that the fall radius of the perforating gun was clear of non-essential personnel. They further failed to ensure that the fall radius remained clear of non-essential personnel during the operation. Mr. Segura was inside the fall radius performing consistent with his role as a line boss.

There was further evidence that the use of an entry guide at the base of the lubricator would have aided in safe entry of the perforating gun. There was testimony that Penn Virginia Oil & Gas, LP did not allow the use of such a guide in order to save time during the fracking process. Penn Virginia Oil & Gas, LP filed paperwork with the Texas Railroad Commission that confirmed its non-delegable duty as the operator of the well site to ensure a safe workplace. Planning Thru Completion, LLC neglected to ensure that this duty was met.

The parties reached a confidential settlement which would care and provide for Mr. Segura’s wife, five children, and his mother for whom he provided care and financial support.

If you or someone you love have been injured or killed in a workplace related accident, contact the attorneys at Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner by calling (713) 222-7211 or 713-222-7211.