Keeping Your Kids Safe in the Water

Summer is upon us, and children will likely seek the fun of a swimming pool throughout the season. But the fear of a child drowning is a fear that has haunted every parent’s mind at some point. Luckily, there are some important safety precautions parents can take to prevent such a tragedy from happening.

The first precaution is to provide your child with swimming lessons. After speaking with your pediatrician regarding such lessons, carefully select an instructional program by ensuring the instructor is trained in swim instruction, child development, and currently certified in CPR (as some are not). Observe the classes before enrollment and monitor lessons for safety skills, the effectiveness of the instructor, the child’s reception to learning, and progress. These lessons should be year-round and not taken only for one season.

Another precaution that can be taken is securing the pool area. Install childproof barriers around pools and spas and always make sure there is adult supervision when the child does swim. Please remember to keep toys out of the pool. Although floats and toys are fun, they can create a false sense of safety and can hinder young swimmers in emergency situations. Also, do not allow children to chew gum or eat while they swim, as it can be a choking hazard.

Summer is the season of fun and relaxation. With these simple but important precautions, parents can ensure it will be filled with nothing but joy.

Benny Agosto, Jr. is a partner at Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner in Houston, Texas. For over 65 years, Abraham Watkins has successfully represented injured people and families who fall victim to catastrophes. Our attorneys have the knowledge, experience and resources necessary to obtain just compensation their clients. For more information, please contact the office of Benny Agosto, Jr. at Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Agosto, Aziz & Stogner, by letter 800 Commerce Street, Houston, Texas 77002, or by phone (713) 222-7211.