Are Women Better Drivers than Men?

A recent auto insurance study concluded that women are better drivers than men. The study found that male drivers are responsible for approximately 80 percent (80%) of all fatal and serious automobile accidents. Women drivers are 27 percent (27%) less likely than male drivers to cause vehicle accidents. In 2007, men were involved in 6.1 million car accidents while women were involved in 4.4 million car accidents.

Further, a 2009 report issued by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s Highway Loss Data Institute found that more men than women die each year in accidents on the road. The institute reported that men drive more miles, drive more dangerously and have a higher number of traffic violations than women. However, female drivers are more likely than male drivers to be killed or injured in car accidents of equal severity. Although the study may dispel the long-standing belief that women are bad drivers, when it comes to driving habits, both men and women need to do their best to drive safely in order to avoid serious accidents.