Workplace Deaths Rise in Texas

In 2009, at least 480 Texas workers lost their lives while working their jobs. This statistic is part of a disturbing trend, and represents a nearly 4% increase in on-the-job deaths from 2008 in Texas. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics found an opposite trend nationwide. Using the preliminary data, it appears that work related deaths dropped 17% across the country.

Statistics can sometimes be a deceiving tool. For example, there was a nationwide increase in unemployment and 2009, and this could explain the significant decrease in on-the-job deaths throughout the nation. But in Texas, we have seen an increase in the number of calls to our law firm concerning on-the-job injuries and deaths. There is likely a correlation between the shrinking economy and corporation’s continued commitment to safety. It is time for companies throughout this state and the nation to rededicate their resources and personnel to making our jobsites safer, and decrease the number of injuries and deaths immediately.

So while Texas may be leading the country in job increases, we are also unfortunately leading the country in work related deaths. Let’s stop this trend in its tracks.