“Falls are Preventable”

According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls are the leading cause of accidental death for adults over 65. In 2006, falls killed 16,650 seniors. A few small tips can help reduce the risk of falls and possibly save your or your loved one’s life.
1. Remove throw rugs or use double-sided tape to secure them;
2. Clear a path. You should never have to walk around furniture or hop over extension cords;
3. Make sure there is light in your stairway and light switches that glow at the top and bottom of stairs;
4. Secure loose carpeting and fix loose or uneven stairs;
5. Consider putting handrails on both sides of stairs;
6. In the kitchen, put often used items on shelves you don’t have to reach to get;
7. Invest in a good step stool, don’t use a chair;
8. Use a rubber mat in the tub or shower; and
9. Use a night light if the path from the bedroom to bathroom would otherwise be dark.

As you can see, these are very simple that effective changes that can reduce the risk of a fall and injury.