Teen Drivers At Higher Risk Of Accidents

According a report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2007, young rivers (those between the age of 15 and 20) accounted for close to 1/5th of all traffic accident fatalities in the country. Those drivers made up just 9 percent of the national population in 2007, but accounted for 19 percent of traffic fatalities the same year. Those rates must be taken as a wakeup call by our law enforcement agencies – they need to focus harder on this vulnerable section of the Texas population.

About 2/3rd of these fatalities are either the motorist or his/her passengers. Most passenger fatalities in these accidents are in the same age group as the young driver. i.e. between 15 and 20 years. Texas had 251 young motorists killed in these crashes in 2007. In all, 626 people died in accidents involving young drivers in Texas in 2007. In Texas, 89 passenger fatalities in your driver-related accidents were between 15 and 20. Passengers below 15 accounted for 29 fatalities, and those above 20 accounted for 45 deaths. A total of 162 passengers of young drivers died in these accidents.

As per the report, most of these young driver fatalities are involved in accidents on rural Texas roads. There could be reason for that. Maintenance and repair activities tend to focus on highly trafficked city streets and highways, with lesser attention on country roads.