Continuing Customer Service

Some say that customer service is a lost art. But to those who contend that customer service is gasping its dieing breath, I ask, could the lost art of customer feed back bring it back to life? This is what I wonder as I walk the aisles at Target following a chorus of “I want” and “buy me” from my two children.

I have often considered making a customer comment or two opting instead to complain to my Mother or praising Hot wheels to my neighbor for having made the wheel that now houses my sons 72 matchbox cars here in the U.S. It was only once that I commented to a network about taking my favorite show “Life” off the air. “Life” made it back to prime time shortly thereafter. Could this one opinion have made some difference? My stepfather, who has spent career in marketing and public relations, thought maybe it did. I have now decided to start testing this theory.

So, I made my weekly trip to Kroger on Saturday to spend way too much money on produce and diapers. We checked out with the same checker as last weekend, Alberto. Last week, Alberto was so kind as to allow my daughter to buy our groceries with the quarter she had earned herding her brother into his car seat. Alberto took the quarter and smiled while my daughter proudly announced to other customers that she had purchased the family groceries. (I paid for the remainder). This week, Alberto allowed both children to scan their own stickers. Each trip to the grocery store ends with my son wailing about handing his stickers over to the cashier for scanning. Alberto had solved the problem. I could have simply left the store, instead I ventured off looking for a manager. The manager was quite happy and the employee answered with a smile and “Thank you” about my praising his excellent customer service.

Pride is something that never goes away and praising a job well done prompts that person to continue to take pride in their work. Encouragement from my boss goes a long way, but the thank you cards from my clients still sit on the bookshelf in my office. Since it means so much to me, I will make more of an effort to recognize those who take pride in their work.