Law Firm Eyes New Claim Against Stanford

The recent SEC action against Stanford Financial Group comes as no surprise to our law firm as we have recently successfully concluded a lawsuit against Stanford. Our law firm represented a group of investors who allege fraud and misrepresentation against Stanford Financial Group involving an investment opportunity in which Stanford acted as the investment banker. A significant amount of work was done by the lawyers involved and I took several depositions of upper Stanford management personnel. After these depositions and our due diligence were complete, I felt this case would have been won at a trial on the merits. I am happy to report the case was settled (especially considering the state that Stanford is currently in).

Today, current Stanford brokers have turned whistle blowers bringing several issues to the public forefront. Many of these issues are similar to our lawsuit against Stanford Financial Group, and we are now pursuing claims against Stanford Financial Group for customers who are concerned they may have been duped out of their money. While the investigation into these investments is just beginning, this case represents a concerning trend of fraud allegations against brokerage and investment firms.

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